Replacing generic RECEPTACLES

How important is it to replace your generic receptacles with audio grade receptacles . I already replaced my stock power cords to high end Shunyatas. Would it still be necessary to still change my generic receptacles to audio grade? 
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Showing 4 responses by folkfreak

I have the Oyaide outlet plates and covers and I’m darned if I can tell if they make a difference ... certainly pretty low on the value for money scale. They’re also a pain to fit and I have had threads stripped due to poor manufacturing tolerances.

Whatever outlet face plate you choose it will still vibrate as the small number of and poorly positioned screws don’t hold any outlet plate securely. Adding some fOQ material to damp the plate to the outlet surround will be both cheap and audible (but look as ugly as hell)
@tattooedtrackman while the Oyaide CF faceplates are great their weakspot (endemic to the design of US outlets) is the single screw fixing in the center leaving the edges free to vibrate. Try applying small strips of FoQ damping material across the edge of the CF plate onto the aluminium surround and you will be astonished at the improvement. When it comes to managing vibration everything matters it seems.

Also the screws have a tendency to strip so changing faceplates can be a pain, this may be an interaction with the underlying outlets (I use SR Blues, Reds and Blacks and the stripping has happened with reds)
@tattooedtrackman agreed it feels tight but the fact is the only thing supporting the faceplate the screw in the middle and the pressure against the frame around. The faceplate can vibrate relative to the surround at the edges and damping this is worth a try if you have some materials on hand. Glad the Furutech outlets have better screws then SR however
Two othr duplex in the Technical power section run the plasma TV, the power for Kuzma TT motor, and two DVD players. things I do not think need the Furutech touch!        
Actually power supplies for turntable motors are just about one of the most sensitive parts of any setup -- please do try upgrading the power cord and the outlet for your Kuzma, you may be very surprised at the impact