Revel Ultima Salon 2's vs B&W 802d's

Alrighty, I've seen some discussion here on these speakers. I'm currently doing a demo in my home on the Revels vs the B&W 802d's (I own both). In the near future I'm selling one or the other pair here.

Suggestions for the demo (i.e. CD's)?
Things to look for?

They both sound good and have different characteristics. I'll post some thoughts later - I've got some opinions now, but I want a longer test with these speakers.

Now guys I don't need to hear how this or that speaker is better than these two - I'll do another comparison later (IOW's no hobby horse discussions).

PS. I'm an old fart so some of my high end hearing is gone. I'm trying to listen a bunch before I go deaf and to ingrain good sound into my synapses.
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Showing 1 response by kr4

It is difficult, if not impossible, to make acute comparisons to a speaker that one has not heard in 2 years and it would be misleading if I attempted it.

I do appreciate your interest in such a comparison and my comparisons are as site-specific as any you would do in a showroom although I have a greater familiarity with my room/system.
