Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?

Showing 19 responses by mapman

My wires only cost a small % of that and I am happy so I am not qualified to say.
My opinion is that one should not need such expensive gadgets in order to enjoy music fully.

On the flip side, the cutting edge of anything is bound to be disproportionately expensive and benefits likely to be more marginal as well, so it is grounds not often tread on by many except for scientists and engineers in their laboratories perhaps. But I get the impression most who would review this stuff are likely neither an unbiased scientist nor an electrical engineer, just another shlub like me with an opinion. Why not praise good stuff? I doubt the reviewers can afford such gadgets anyhow, so who are they to shoot it down, even if justified? They will never own it anyhow most likely, so that would come across as pretty petty.

So sure, review whatever one wants, even if just for entertainment purposes, but personally I would not expect the results to hold much water.
So your position then is that these things are needed and nobody is qualified to say?

That would seem to dismiss the value of any kind of review then. People can and will make up their minds on their own.

I'll buy that. Like I said, the reviews have little value other than as entertainment.
"I still don't understand why you and Mapman bother to tell us your view, which many of us think is nonsense. Just enjoy your music. "

Well, at least not all then. :^)

I hear a lot of nonsense the other way as well.

There is something to be said about confronting nonsense rather than just accepting it.
"I guess I'm thinking; who cares? There are plenty of scams in this world, steer clear if possible. What's the huge revelation?"

Apparently, the line between a scam and not is often not as clear in high end audio, since someone can always claim to hear something that cannot be substantiated otherwise.

So no revelations perhaps but lots of fuel for the fire of discussion.
"These days many shops are only interested in making the most money. The quality is less important."

All one has to do is look around to see this more and more and audio is no exception.

Luckily there are still many exceptions, but its getting harder and harder for the typical consumer to cut through all the noise thrown out there on purpose by those with agendas other than providing good quality and good value in order to cloud the issues.
No doubt modern tools for addressing room acoustics can be invaluable, if used correctly.

I suspect many high end vendors at shows would rather take a right hook shot from Jon Jones than introduce any external signal processing into their sterling systems that often sound less than spectacular due to room acoustics.

I applaud Bo for taking the bull by the horns and applying practical and effective solutions, rather than spinning wheels based on the often limited-vison mantra that is sinking high end audio, ie throw money at the problem as long as it comes from the customer.

OR maybe a teleportation tweak or two might still help. :^)
There is way too much nonsense that goes unchallenged on this site. Nonsense is destructive, even in the hallowed grounds of high end audio. Many who might really care about good sound are able to spot nonsense when they see it. It destroys credibility in general, which is harmful.

I am against censorship and would not want anything censored, no matter how nonsensical, but I do wish more people would challenge other more when the nonsense detector goes off. In an intelligent and civilized manner of course. The problem I suppose is that things can turn south fast and hard when strong conflicting views occur. Sense and nonsense do not mix well. Easier to just avoid it and let the nonsense continue I suppose.

Am I speaking nonsense here?
I've heard Nordost High End wires once that I know of in a 6 digit tube amp dealer system with Magico Mini 2 speakers. It was very good sound in a smaller room with the Magicos, especially for classical music. but pop/rock genre left me somewhat cold for those $$$s. I expected perfection always with a system like that.
Fact is many people who might not recognize good sound when they hear it do recognize the price tag and might be after a status symbol as much as anything.

I have no problem with that. It muddies the waters but educated consumers will find their way regardless. Its the rest that are at risk from the predators, and there will always be a predator around looking for prey. It's the way of nature as well as of man unfortunately. No getting around that!

There is no substitute for a little good goes a long way....etc. etc.
"Mapman, I'm not interested in your "nonsense detector" as it is invalid."


Are you saying those ICs are inherently better in all cases, or that they sounded the best to you when you heard them?

Are there less expensive ICs that you have heard that might work as well in some cases?

My opinion is ICs are mostly about synergy case by case and the best sound is not necessarily with an expensive product, though these might work quite well certainly and some might see the value.
FOr me, so far, the DNM Reson ICs are the ones I like to work with in general, and use exclusively in my main rig currently.

These cost me generally between $100-$200 from a Canadian dealer that used to be on Ebay. They are hard to come by in the US it seems.

I like these in that they may not always sound best in any system, but tweaking to synergize with them if possible seems to pay the greatest dividends. They are not shielded however, so that must be taken into consideration when using. I am a big believer in minimizing common forms of noise and distortion as much as possible, especially when digital gear and large nearby power transformers are involved.
Bo, your assessment of Nordost is consistent with my limited exposure to them to-date.

You must have a lot of money invested in your system and I suspect it must sound quite good accordingly. Why not post the fruits of your work (ie your system or systems) here on A'gon.

Do you actually buy the products you support? Or are you a reviewer or dealer with special privileges?

Just wondering. I'd really like to understand where you come from better. And why you see my posts and others like it as such a threat. Obviously, not everyone shares your views, nor mine.
Yes, I agree with Mcondon's post as well.

Good marketers know exactly what nerves to condition the public into potential customers. What seems like a bargain is all relative. Its all a game more than anything I suppose really.

AN $8600 product received a good review. What a revelation! A $5 one from Home Depot might just as easily, depending on context. Its hard to make a power cord that doesn't work well. Almost any will do. Not to say that they will all sound the same though, to discriminating ears they may well not. Plus results will vary most likley case by case. So the inherent unique value of any power cord is hard to establish, other than how much people will pay. I suppose that is why I was recently able to buy a $300 retail power cord recently new for $85. Yes I liked the resulting sound, and felt like I got a deal in the process. Its a very well constructed product, no doubt. I'm such a trained monkey!!!! :^)