Roon vs. Squeezebox Server (Logitech)

Without regard to the extra cost of Roon, and ignoring the improved interface, album art, and cool factor provided by Roon - so on the basis of sound quality only - does Roon sound better, worse, or about the same as Squeezebox Server (Logitech) when played through a dedicated music server running Linux?
If you have experience with these players, I would appreciate your input. 

Showing 1 response by erik_squires

I have not tried Roon, but I use LMS exclusively via USB 2.0 to a Mytek Brooklyn DAC and it's fabulous.

The current limitation is DSD is only via DoP, which is fine, but only does up to DSD 2x

More recent updates have added the ability to play through a Chromecast device as well as Tidal, though I usually go to Tidal via the web, add tracks to my favorites, and THEN use the LMS interface.
