
As I was listening to music this afternoon and evening, I got to thinking about the equipment designers and manufacturers to whom I owe thanks to for my listening pleasure. Here are some of mine. Who are yours?

Designers who have greatly increased my music listen pleasure over the years:

Lloyd Walker - Walker Audio
Jim White - Aesthetix Audio
Ralph Karsten - Atma-Sphere Music Systems
Neil Patel - Avalon Acoustics
Saul Marantz & Sidney Smith - Marantz
Harry Weisfeld - VPI Industries
Bruce Thigpen - Eminent Technology

Thanks to all of you for the work you've accomplished and shared.

Showing 2 responses by griffithds


I had forgotten Frank Dai - Signal Cables. Major contributor to the no 'BS' cable club! Thanks for remembering!

I tip my hat to Bruce, owner of Stereo Unlimited in San Diego.
Without his advice and guidance, I would have 'wasted' a lot of money, instead of just spending it! (grin)