
As I was listening to music this afternoon and evening, I got to thinking about the equipment designers and manufacturers to whom I owe thanks to for my listening pleasure. Here are some of mine. Who are yours?

Designers who have greatly increased my music listen pleasure over the years:

Lloyd Walker - Walker Audio
Jim White - Aesthetix Audio
Ralph Karsten - Atma-Sphere Music Systems
Neil Patel - Avalon Acoustics
Saul Marantz & Sidney Smith - Marantz
Harry Weisfeld - VPI Industries
Bruce Thigpen - Eminent Technology

Thanks to all of you for the work you've accomplished and shared.

Showing 1 response by salectric

Interesting idea Rush. In my case, most of my equipment was designed and built by one-man "companies." These include:

Thom Mackris----Galibier turntables
Tri Mai----Triplanar tonearms
Fred Volz----Emotive Audio Design
Samuel Furon---Ocellia cables

I should also add my son Michael who designed my 46 SE amps as well as came up with the idea behind my speakers which are based on the Western Electric 753.