S-Video Cable - is there much difference

I have been looking for excellent s-video cables. It appears to me, that little emphasis is placed on them. How much does the quality matter??? What price range should give me an excellent, not outrageous cable?? Where does law diminishing returns hit s-vid. cable. Appreciate Specific recommendations and comparisons. Thanks. I'm stumped and will have to order "blindly", so help is appreciated. PS (tired of Monster breaking...)

Showing 2 responses by hdm

I recently switched my system around and had to go from a 1 metre S-Video cable to a 7 metre run, which is supposed to be very bad. I was using Monster M1000V, which, at the time was the top of the line Monster, and ended up going to the base Tributaries model. I figured I'd be in for a big letdown, but actually felt the budget tributaries (at 7 metres no less) to be better than the Monster, which for the same length would have been about 4 or 5 times the price. In comparision, the Tributaries had richer, better saturated color and much better definition-the Monster seemed to be "dark" and somewhat poorly defined in comparison. From the little research I did, it seemed to me that Tributaries, although relatively unknown, has an outstanding reputation for their video cables. I also purchased a $30 set of their basic component video cables as a gift for a friend with a Toshiba HD set and was really impressed with the quality of those. I think you can buy the Tributaries basic S-Vid at around $30 for a metre and their top of the line for around $50 or $60. I wouldn't spend any more.
Have to admit George, I've been impressed in the past by your lack of pretentiousness-you seem to be a no BS kind of guy and I like that. What S-Video cables are you using currently? Can you return the Monster if they don't work out? I honestly think you'd be pretty impressed with the Tributaries. If you want, e-mail me and I'll give you the name of a guy-an Audiogon guy-that deals in all kinds of cables and who has excellent prices and great service. Happy New Year!