Schiit Vidar.... Anyone heard one yet?

This relatively cheap by audiophile standards 2 channel amp has me very curious. I haven't seen any reviews or really even read any hands on blips about it. Just curious if anyone has heard it and what you thought.
I haven't heard it either, but if Schitt is doing their 'Schiit', I expect it to be a very good piece of equipment at its' price point.
I say this after having owned a Modi Multibit, Bifrost Multibit, and a Gungy (non Multibit). Each model up improved upon the former.\
I am also a "value focused" audiophile. Is that PC enough for you? Within the last few weeks I invested in the Mani and was very impressed. Enough to invest in the Modi 2 Multibit DAC shortly after. That may be the best $400 I've invested in my system. I realize that doesn't answer your question, but hopefully their performance extends to the Vidar. They do have a 15 day return policy. In fact I'm considering upgrading the Modi to the Bifrost Multibit.
They were showing one last year and were claiming to have it out by now. Weren't they saying November of last year? There's only two possible reasons it's not out. Either they're having issues producing it, or they're having issues finishing development on it. I'm going to lean in the direction of development issues. 
I have one in the trunk of my car.  Will listen to it over the weekend and post impressions.