Secondary/“vintage” system speaker replacement options?

Hello all, looking for some advice here.  By way of background information: In my secondary system, I have a pair of the  carver amazing loudspeakers (1987) which had belonged to my late father. The rest of that system consists of my old gear, including a musical fidelity KW 500 integrated amplifier, a musical fidelity Tri vista DAC, the musical fidelity A 3.2 CD player, music Hall MMF7 turntable with Hana cartridge, and my Herron VTPH 2A phono stage.  In addition I have a blue sound node 2 streaming device. Cabling and power conditioning is all by transparent audio.  Isolation by iso acoustics. Room treatments with still points apertures (coming).

 This system really sounds great for what it is. However, my left channel loudspeaker has a loose ribbon. So, in certain high frequencies, the ribbon vibrates and creates an extraneous noise. Although this is not terrible and I can still listen to and enjoy the system, I am thinking that at some point I may have to replace these loudspeakers. I would probably want to replace with  another pair of planar loudspeakers. I have looked into having this loudspeaker repaired (which would be ideal for me, since I have a sentimental attachment to these loudspeakers), but it seems that there is no support  from Carver for this discontinued model, and although there are one or two people around the country who may do this sort of work it sounds like a big undertaking. 

 So, the question is what loudspeakers would you all suggest? Open to any and all ideas for loudspeakers that would match with the other gear in the system. As I said, this is my secondary system that I listen to more casually and not often for critical listening. I use it when I’m just relaxing upstairs or entertaining people or sometimes for background music while I’m doing other things. 

 Thanks in advance for your ideas, and I apologize for the long winded post. 

Showing 2 responses by arsh

roberjerman....a drop in fix would be great, but I have not heard of it in my research. Any clue where you saw that? Thanks.