sexiest sounding female vocalists?

ok what's your thoughts regarding the sexiest sounding female vocalist out there? Just discovered Diana Krall guess the picture on the cover of the look of love may have contributed to my feelings somewhat also.

Showing 3 responses by fatparrot

Sexiest vocals is Christina Amphlett of "DIVINYLS", self-titled CD with the song "I Touch Myself". Her phrasing and breathing techniques make her sound as if she's having multiple orgasms throughout the whole album!

Best female vocalist is Annie Haslam of "RENAISSANCE".

I also think that Rachel Sweet has a pretty sexy voice as well!
Mt10425, yeah, you probably saw her in the late 1970's. Absolutely adorable and young (born summer of 1962)! But WHAT A VOICE! One of the best finds of the Stiff Records lineup during the late '70's & early '80's! Stiff specialized in signing unknown artists of the "New Wave & 2nd British invasion". Rachel could belt out a tune, whether punk or C&W. ["Cuckoo Clock" and "Wildwood Saloon" are great example of each]. Rachel was unlike today's female teen mega-stars.Now, we have hot nubile bodies that might have great anatomy, except for their "tubes". They're only a hot piece of eye-candy, singing insipid drivel devoid of any emotional understanding and interpretation of the musical notes they are regurgitating!

Check out:
Timf, good one! I thought that you MUST have been cranking your Bose Wave Radio, until I read the punchline!