Should I be concerned about overpowering my spkrs

I have a Krell 300i with 150 watts per side. I keep looking to buy a pair of the many detailed sounding mini's (B&W 805, Proac, Monitor Audio, Totem, Spendor). Many of the small speakers are rated to only take a 80W to 120W power amplifier. I don't really understand what will happen if I use the Krell with 150 watts. Will i damage the speakers?. Can I use this set-up as long as i don't push the volume too high?
Looking for some guidance?.......thanks

Showing 1 response by sidssp

Generally speaking, it is better to have more power then not enough because distortion caused by clipping can easily damage tweeters. On the other hand, you also need to be careful not over driving the speakers. If you sense a speaker is reaching its dynamic limit, turn it down. I have once seen a pair of 15” woofers in a JBL 4350 completely melted their voice coils. So accident can happen if you are not careful.