Should I eliminate my preamp?

I have been using my Audio Research tube preamp and Bryston amp to drive Magnepan speakers for years. Recently I added a Oppo blue ray player to my system and connected directly to my amp using the balance cables. The reason was to eliminate the signal having to go through another piece of equipment before it hits the amp. Am I wrong or what am I missing?
Never get rid of your pre amp , You want the best ? Go with BAT Balanced Audio Tech.
What Ralph mentioned about coupling caps above is not relevant these days, as nearly all solid state sources have been direct-coupled for years,
This statement is false, on account of the fact that a lot of solid state equipment does use coupling caps. Some does not- and then your chances of successful passive operation improve.

It's always been said by audio designers as a gauge of how good a preamp is since the mid 1900's, when separates (preamp & poweramp) entered into audio, that saying is:
"The best preamp should sound like a piece of wire"
ie: a like a direct source to amp connection.  
Just because one might want it to seem that way does not mean that is what it should be. Interconnect control is why so many people on this thread have had success with active line sections.

The bottom line is care and audition is imperative if you want the best out of the investment dollar in your equipment!
George, Ralph, thank you both for taking the time to explain the math. I had to read them twice to understand the details but it does make a lot of sense. It also explains why some folks report that using different interconnects makes a big difference in sound quality while others don't hear a difference.
It also explains why some folks report that using different interconnects makes a big difference in sound quality while others don’t hear a difference.
You welcome, and correct, always use quality low capacitance interconnects, with passives and you’ll get the closest to the proverbial  "The best preamp should sound like a piece of wire" sound.

Cheers George
I do not have a preamp.   MSB DAC direct into Pass Labs power amp.   Previously it was Wadia DAC direct into Pass Labs power amp.  Tried many preamps and always preferred no preamp.