Should I upgrade my system while losing my hearing?

WOW!!! My system sounds great. Wifey says it sounds great & leave it alone. Yet I believe I know the weak spot in my system and I want to upgrade it (Tonearm). Yet some would say that my amp is weak. Its just a VTA Dynaco ST-70. But Lordy, does it sound good. Even so, I'll probably replace it because the power switch is on the back which makes it hard to get to turn it on *& off.. But then I think of my age (68) in 2 months and my hearing loss and I ask,   does it make sense to upgrade? Should I really spend thousands of $$$$$$ to get a 3-8% improvement? But who's to say it won't be 20%..........25%? And with my hearing loss, will I be able to hear it? I hear music pretty good. Its conversation I don't hear. But I've heard enough conversations , etc anyway. 
I often think about my old step father who often said, "There ain't no fool like an old fool". I think I understand what he meant.. AWW I'm gonna do what I want anyway. Just making conversation. But does it make sense to upgrade my system? Or get hearing aids? Ain't gettin' old fun?


Showing 2 responses by 2psyop

Would anyone work on the engine and transmission of a high performance automobile like a Ferrari if all four of the tires were almost flat? I think of correcting a hearing loss much the way I see the inflation of tires on a high performance race car. One really cannot move forward without the removal of some simple, basic obstacles to high performance.
I had hearing loss during my time with Air Defense Artillery (Hawk missles) and Field Artillery (Howitzer) units with US Army and Army Reserves. Lucky for me after I retired I was able to get a partial disability and the VA pays for my hearing aids. Yes (maybe like you) I cannot hear well during crowded places when someone is talking to me. I disagree with some audiophiles here who think you should not get hearing aids. It’s your choice, for certain, but for me I think the new hearing aids are much better and they can potentially not only make your music listening experience better, but your life more fulfilled. I have Resound brand and they can be adjusted on my smartphone.