Should the better AC cable be used on Amp? Source?

Hi everyone,

Just curious about this one. Let's suppose that you have 2 AC cables, one being more upscale than the other.

Where would you use it? On the amp or cd player?

Please avoid the ''use the one that sound's best'' type of answers - I already did this and the results vary from recording to recording.

As a general rule of thumb, what would you say?


Showing 1 response by lacee

I think we've all been where you are at one point in time.

I always felt it was better to put the more robust cable on the device that drew the most power, which was mostly the amp.

But as has been expressed, sometimes using it on the pre amp had it's advantages also.

So, what I did was bite the bullit and traded in the lesser cable so that both cables were the same.

I ended up replacing all my power cords with the same brand and after a careful audition settled for the top of that line.

It's an expensive way out of the conundrum, but in the end it's been worth it.