Silverline Minuet "Supreme"

As I look to standardize my nearfield systems across multiple desktps, this speaker has caught my attention, not only because it has been recommended by reliable Audiogoners, but also because it seems unusually compact and lightweight.

I have just picked up the latest Absolute Sound, which also praises the Minuet.

Now called the "Supreme" apparently it has some modest upgrades from earlier versions, but also real rosewood veneer, instead of vinyl laminate.

Can anyone comment in more detail on their experiences with the sound of this speaker? Any idea how it might compare to Harbeth P3SER, or other well respected British designs?

Thanks and hope to somehow also hear them soon.

Showing 1 response by jclctr

I bought a pair recently and am impressed with the sound quality using a Wyred 4 Sound mINT D class integrated. Tough to beat for the price.