Small Bedroom Tube Amp

Hi all!  Does anyone have a good recommendation for a small reliable tube or warmer solid state amp for the bedroom?  Would be match it with smaller bookshelf speakers, haven't decided which ones yet.  I want to mellow out music when putting the little one to sleep.

I have my eye on the TubeCube 7, seems small and efficient but want to make sure there aren't any better alternatives.


Showing 3 responses by uberwaltz

I just bought something very similar to what you maybe looking for.

A Peachtree Nova with built in DAC.
Uses a 6922 tube in the preamp section.

Nothing too fancy but boy does it have some solid bass and very well defined mid and higher registers.

Bought used off eBay for $450 and I am very happy with it.

USB SPDIF, Toslink and analog inputs plus great headphone amp.
I paired it with small Tannoy speakers and it is more than enough!
Correct not a tube amp as such but I guess the right term is they use a tube "buffer" in the preamp section.
Gives some of the sound of tubes without the cost and complication of a full tube array.
I found the sq on my Nova to be a lot richer and fuller with more bass than the previous admitedly older class d integrated 
It was mentioned in the post right before
But it is a valid point.
I do,know the Peachtree hides its solitary tube behind a glass panel in the amp so you cannot actually touch it.