solid state vs tubes--with a twist

has anyone compared either the cj mv 55, 75, or 125 with a ss amp ?

if so has anyone found one that sounds close to the conrad amps ?

i am asking this question for a reason.

as a reviewer, i have not yet reviewed a solid state amp. i am looking to find one that sounds close to the classic tube sound.

i won't be surprised, if i am told that none exists. but then, maybe there is one, hopefully in production.

i realize it's a long shot. but maybe i'll get lucky.

Showing 1 response by magfan

Carver may be nutty, but he isn't crazy.
His M400t, which I had for 2+ decades was nice. Clean with good dynamics it drove my MG-1 panels very well, right up to clipping.

The method of making the amp match was to hook the Carver amp and the 'reference' amp to the same speaker. But out of phase, I guess. When the speaker produces NO sound, they are the same.....The louder the speaker, the further apart the amps sound. Bob would adjust internal parts values and bias, until this condition was met.

This applies to that specific amp pairing with a particular speaker. Other speakers and reference amps will differ. Carver chose a well known and highly regarded tube amp as his target.

With the above conditions, I'd remove the word 'allegedly'.