Sonic differences Ariston 11S vs Linn LP-12

Many say these two units compare favorably. Has anyone owned one of each with the same arm and done side-by-side comparison? What were your thoughts?
dependibility is the bigger difference. both tables sound great, but the linn is the winner here.
I owned both, but at different times, with different arms. Cartridges were the same though, Denon 103D and Koetsu Black. Both are a pain in the ass to set-up. Not worth the trouble, to me, YMMV. The Linn gets the nod on sound quality, by a bit. Unless you are the tinkering type, or are getting a really good deal, they may not be for you.
The LP 12 is better. As for set-up, Sounds Like Music in Phoenix does it for me when I need it, which has been about every five years. I gave my Ariston to an avid tinkerer. It sounds better at his place. The Linn does not go out of kilter, but when I am making a change, I have them do the set-up.