Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 MKIII SE+ Upgrade

Hi all,

It’s been a while since my last post on here, nevertheless, I’m tentatively, following no previous response from PCX, thinking about whether or not to send my SF SFD-2 MkIII over to Chris at PCX for an SE+ upgrade and general service. The down side is, it’s going to cost a fortune for return shipping based on where I am and the research I’ve done myself so far, so I’m not too sure what to do at the moment.

To help me decide, I was thinking, if anyone has had their SFD-2 MkII upgraded to SE+ spec and has the invoice from PCX, would they be willing to share and be kind enough to forward a copy for me to assess the work done, cost etc.

TIA, Phil.

 I would say IF your system is resolving enough to actually hear a difference between components & there is some sound issue you want to address then go for the upgrade,if not don't waste $...