Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 MKIII

Anyone have a chance to hear this processor? This is the only 24/96 SF product (outside of Assemblage) and is fully balanced. What would one expect to see the unit for on Audiogon?

I've been wondering about the unit as well. I've hav eheard that it is superior in many ways to the SFD-2 MkII. I currently have an SFD-2 MkII and have been considering an upgrade. I've recently compared my SFD-2 MkII to a new Camelot Arthur 24/192 (Swiss Anagram chip) and felt (at least in my system) that the SFD-2 (only 16/48) sounded superior. This is probably due in part to a superior analog section and execution, as well as system compatibility, rather than a disappointing performance for the 24/192 Anangram technolgy.

My worry is that the 24/96 MkIII upgrade is already obsolete. The state-of-art has moved on to 24/192 and beyond. Reports consistently suggest that 24/192 is a noticable step up from 24/96. Given the upgrade is $1300, and the value of a SFD-2 MkII is about $1300-1400 in the market. Is there a better way to spend $2600 - $3000? Or perhaps $4000? Has anyone heard the Chord 64 (for example) and directly compared it to anything? Does it continue to make sense to sit tight and wait for further refinements and potential DVD-A (or even SACD) compatibility before jumping to a new DAC?

Given the unfortunate state of play at Sonic Frontiers and Anthem. Is the 24/96 MkIII the end of the line for the SF brand and product line? Will we get a 24/192 MkIV for the SFD-2? How about a 24/192 for the Processor 3? My understanding is that before the takeover, an upgrade for the Processor 3 was in the works. Is that dead now?
I have a MKIII upgrade with the D2D-1 upsampler and the difference will floor you! It was so much better that I had to nearly play my entire CD collection to marvel at the sound. I am using a Levinson 31.5 transport, and was considering upgrading to the 30.6 unitl I heard the MKIII upgrade, which immediately quelled my desire to upgrade to the 30.6. (and saved me a ton of money). As a matter of fact, the MKIII upgrade now rivals my TNT IV in musicality.
Well, I will be the proud owner of the MkIII and D2D-1 here when UPS hands it over. I am excited. As for obsolete - my only concern is that SF is no longer making SF tube gear.. only anthem HT stuff. Upsamping is upsampling - and if you can hear a difference between 24/96 and 24/192 your ears are much better than mine. I really believe SF put real thought into their designs and the fully balanced configuration is rare in the world of 24/96 - not to mention SF's reputation for sonic excellence. BTW: I paid what I think is an astoundingly low amount for the MKIII, D2D, and cable.. $1750 shipped. Is this a good deal?

I recently upgraded to the MkIII and at the same time purchased an output mod which replaced the capacitors with a DC coupling circut (designed and installed by a former SF designer). The improvement in sound is quite amazing, especially on acoustic instruments where timbre, tonal balance, dynamics, etc. are so important. The upgrade significantly increased the amount of information passing through to the speakers -- bringing along the room acoustics of the recording studio, better preserving the harmonic structure of each instrument, and overall making the sound seem more analog than digital (e.g., fuller and less etched). The sound also seems clearer and more detailed. I'm finding I appreciate the upgrade more and more with time.