Sony SCD-1 mod

I just purchased one of these units.Is this unit worth modding or am I better of just getting a different unit?Who does the best mod for this unit?
If Modwright continues to do mods, consider them. I had my Sony modified about 1 1/2 years ago. It has worked flawlessly and the sonic improvement is astounding. The mod included the addition of tubes, which entails cover plate alterations.
Like Calloway, I have both the VSE and the Kern mods in my SCD-1 and IMHO the VSE is superior.
Calloway,RLF and Woodburger have a point as I have researched modding my SCD-1. I have noticed that the Kern mods tend to be more R&R structured where VSE is more of an improvement to the circuit topology. I am having the SC3 and SC power supply installed next week by reference audio mods east (Douglas Jesse) and he has also recommended mods to the overall circuit topology which appears similar to me on the surface to the VSE mods and are more appealing to me than simply R&Ring what is already there.
