Sophia 2/Magico V2 versus Sasha/Magico V3

So I'm currently enjoying Wilson Sophia 2s and Magico V2s in my home.

Amplification is Pass XA 100.5, preamps alternate between H20 Fire (solid state) and Audio Valve Eclipse (tube). Sources are Modwright Transporter and Raven One/Tron Seven.

These speakers are very different. The Sophia 2s are more energetic and vibrant, have more robust bass and a lot more forward presence. They can bark at you with certain recordings (upper midrange glare), they are not gentle. Used with a tube preamp, I find the timbre to be very natural sounding, giving a great deal of the 'instruments are in the room' feeling. With solid state preamp, they sound a little cold - a little 'ceramic' if you will.

The Magico V2 is slightly colored in comparison - more of a wood sound, not as much as Avalon, but it's there. The highs are nowhere as crisp, the bass comes up a bit short and they do not have the dynamics of the Wilsons. However, they offer a heck of a lot more detail in the upper midrange and highs. I hear so much more of what is going on than the Sophias. For example, horn sections on the Wilsons almost sound compressed, whereas on the Magicos they open up and come to life; I can't get over the difference.

So here's where I'm going with this: the natural upgrade path for the Magico is the V3 and the Wilson, the Sasha. Can anyone speak to what characteristics are retained versus gained (or lost for that matter) in the two upgrade paths? If it were easy to hear them in my own home, I wouldn't ask, but unfortunately it's going to be work and I may only get to hear one of these.


Thanks in advance.
Madfloyd, I meant the Sophia 2. To my ears, the Sasha goes deeper and has more extended highs. I heard no glare but I haven't heard glare in the Sophia 2. Sorry for the confusion.

3 different speakers VS is not the case its your cash and your taste MAGICO V3 is the BEST!!
>3 different speakers VS is not the case its your cash and your taste MAGICO V3 is the BEST<


Punctuation IS your friend......

Madfloyd, hope I don't add to your confusion but I did briefly listen to the V3, the mini2, followed by the V2 all at the same dealer, but all with different electronics. All were very good, but all had compromises. The V3 had strong deep bass, but perhaps a little uninvolving altogether. Think I need to listen again, cuz it just didn't bowl me over. Mini had more life, but no real punch in low end. V2 was probably my favorite, very nice detail and beautiful mids, emotionally more involving, reasonable bass better than mini, but not impactful and not deep like V3. I have heard the Sophia 2 at length and totally agree with your assessment. Nice, but I wouldn't buy them. Way too much spotlighting and shouting. Some may consider this heresy, but I'd get a B&W 802D instead. I've been on a quest to hear as many speakers in 15k-25k range as possible, and I've yet to find the perfect speaker however. For you, maybe a V2 and a great sub (REL, or JL Fathom or Gotham?) Good luck.