sound-Smith VPI Counter Intuitive

The Sound-Smith CounterI intuitive is a must have for VPI turntable owners. I just purchased one and it makes a great difference in my Classic 3 setup. I thought I had my TT perfectly setup before, but the counter intuitive dialed it in perfectly and I can tell the difference right away. The system just sound very balanced and the sound stage comes popping out. No listening fatigue here like I use to have. I have been listening to vinyl hours on end. The unit is very easy to use, I followed the instructions to a "T". This unit is highly recommended. What is your experience with the Counter Intuitive?

Showing 1 response by buconero117

If you look closely, the new $30K VPI turntable has the sticker. Who knew. Harry, you fox, I am sure you brought rights to it from SoundSmith. I am sure within a fortnight, you will be able to buy it from China for $5, shipping included. Harry, call the lawyers, its not fair.