Soundstage depth and width

Which one is more important? It is the depth to me, I don't tolerate flat sound.

I consider "the rest" to be a refinement in speaker wire and interconnects. If you compare this to cleaning a window that you thought was clean, you will get the feel of where I'm coming from.

Some go by the name of the wire or interconnect, I prefer what % of silver or OFC copper and kind of strands. For example I like fine strands of heavy gage OFC copper for low frequencies, copper and silver for midrange; and silver for the high's. Interconnects should be copper silver composite since they must accommodate both extremes. I roll my own and use silver solder, this guarantees quality construction.
I have MAGICO MINI 2 sounstage and depth are wonderful imaging great as well.
here is a definition of music derived from

"the art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a conhtinuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm and timbre".

note its sound in time not sound in place that is part of the definition. the location of the music is not part of the definition, so depth and width are artifacts. they constitute perspective when listening to music, they are not included in the definition of music.

Each sound was produced in space, and I consider it an audiophiles highest achievement to reproduce that element of space on playback.
Sound depth and width are important, but somewhat over emphasized by most audiophiles. Tonal accuracy and rhythmic command are far more important. Mono source material can be audiophile quality. Additionally, if depth and width were of paramount importance, then most audiophiles would be using systems with more than two channels since these multi-channel system can more accurately reproduce these effects.