Source for historical recordings --Edison, etc.

I just read Greg Milner's Perfecting Sound Forever, which I highly recommend to any serious audiophile. It caused me to be very curious to hear some of the earliest recordings, particularly the "acoustic" vs. "electrical" recordings from the early days. A CD companion to the book would be the bomb (including the Led Zep stuff, early sampling, Auto-Tune and all the rest), but absent that, the early wax, cylinder and disc stuff must have been transferred to CD and be out there somewhere. Any pointers?
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Showing 1 response by almarg

Hi Dan,

If vinyl will do, rather than CD, try to hunt down some of the releases from Mark56 Records. I have no. 827, a two-LP set transcribed from wax cylinders and released in 1979, "The First Commercially Successful Recordings 1889-1894." Primitive sound, of course, but interesting to listen to.

A lot of their other releases seem to have been of old-time radio programs. Perhaps some of them go back far enough to have been recorded acoustically.

For lots of other material that is readily available in CD format, check out I have no experience with their releases. Note that the menu at the left allows you to browse by decade.

Best regards,
-- Al