Spatial Coherence

Does anyone here, beside me, own a Spatial Cohernece Preamplifier?

Just curious,

Showing 1 response by hungry4vinyl

I have an ultra modified MacMod Spatial Preamp that I had to have a custom power supply built for.I switch between using only the phono stage(which is ultra quiet) to a tube
line stage(tube rolling habit) or just running its line stage to the power amp which offers beautiful imaging tho
the tone seems a tad drier.Interesting trade offs for keeping things varietal.
The mods have left me with only dual volume controls and
switches for source and tape monitor.The circutry is now
ultra simple save for what might be hidden in those epoxy
resin blocks.
Try this some time:Turn your power amp off,crank up the preamp gains(loud source material optimum) and listen with
your ear close to the top of the unit.It's similar to the sound of a needle/cartridge tracing an LP, tho kind of clicky.

Evan h4v

P.S. Sal Calaio Lives!