Speaker cables for Sonus Faber Extrema

Can I have the recommendations from members for suitable speaker cables for Extrema. Since bi-wire cables are required do not plan to go for those exotic cables.
Hi, I use for my Extreme, Purist Venustas WBT (BI-WIRING) and really work wonders with my Krell KSA-300S power, bony components baffles, and power cables should be treated like a unit, since according to how reconciles the end result will sound.
As I suggest most economical recommendation the Purist Aqueous 20 Anniversary, another cable with excellent cost-benefit ratio.
Greetings Adrian
Agree that Reality may be a very good cable. But Extrema's were in existence since mid 90's there should be lot many other options also.
I have the Reality cables as well
Mine are custom in that I'm using his regular wire to power the tweeters and a much lower guage for the woofers
all Reality and sounding damn good to these ears

Can't say enough good things about Gregg and his service
I use Pass Labs XA100 and would check on VDH and Reality Cables. Does anybody have experimented with silver and copper cables.
The Reality Cables get no respect because of their low price.

If they had a retail of $2000, Gregg would sell dozens more.

Give them a try.
Great speakers. Are you using them with tubes or solid state?

Long ago - perhaps more than 10 years ago - I used them with XLO signature 5.1 and later Transparent Reference XL - Forsell CD combo, cj ART and Krell KSA300s. They could not play at low levels, but at medium/high volume they filled a room with music better than anything comparable. Do not miss listening to VTL007 'Louis' recording track 6 "La fiesta" on them if you have friendly neighbors !

A friend of mine had a great sound with Van den Hul revelation with an old Audio Research Classic150.
Reality cables. Great value for the money and Gregg Straley is a fair and honest guy.