Speaker recommendation for married couple

I am the guy who opened the thread "Harbeth Love". Unfortunately, wife didn't like them at all. She listened to ATC, nope. Spendor? Nope. I do trust her ears too but we need speakers that we both like. I remember her liking this Sonus Faber speakers (can't recall the model but I know newer Fabers). She also likes KEF LS50 which I find good but not outstanding. Any help for this married couple?:)

Showing 2 responses by audiokinesis

Celo, good for you, for fully including your wife in the process!  My suggestion is, don't be in a hurry - ENJOY the quest together! 

I can't begin to predict what speakers lie within the intersection of what you like and what she likes.  If the visual appeal is indeed a high priority for her, flip though some of your audio magazines together and that should give you some general ideas. 

And maybe the two of you would enjoy a weekend together at an audio show?  

Best of luck to both of you, wherever your quest may lead. 


Given that you are in Europe, I suggest Gradient and Amphion.  Both are imo extremely intelligently designed as far as room interaction... in particular, both do an unusually good job with the off-axis response.  The vertical off-axis response matters more than usual in this case, given the low ceiling height.  If fairly early reflections are pretty much inevitable, you want them to have essentially the same spectral balance as the direct sound, and both of these brands are very good at that.