Speaker Recommendations for Audio-Research VT80


I can purchase a gently used Audio Research VT80 from a friend for a good price.   He is getting a Audio Research 150 se.   I'm wondering what would be a good speaker pairing.  I don't have any speaker presently.  Just starting out.   Budget is up to ~$20,000, would like to stay less.   

ok, thanks


Wilson Sabrina
ARC LS 28 pre
ARC Ref CD9 or comparable DAC

Heard that combo and it is very very good.

 Speakers are a very personal choice, they are the voice of your system. Listen to everything you possibly can before making a decision. Then search Audiogon by zipcode and see what is available used in your area. You will need to look at speakers that are somewhat efficient with an integrated amp like the VT80. If the speakers are not efficient enough for the amp, the music can sound thin.

 I have an Audio Research Ref 5se preamp with a Ref 110 amp. My speakers are Sonus Faber Elipsa SE which are 92db. They are just superb. Sonus Faber is a great match with Audio Research and are both owned by WOM.

So, maybe I should have said it this way. First, find the speaker you really want and can afford. Then, if it synergies well with Audio Research, than buy the VT 80 amp and enjoy. Of course, if it does not, pass up the good deal and get an amp/pre that pairs well with your chosen speaker. The amp/speaker interface is perhaps most important. For me it is.

Good advice for sure.
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ARC and Wilson are very synergistic. My personal favorite combo of electronics and speakers.
My Proac D48Rs love Audio Research tubes. I have the VSi75 right now and see the 150se in my future
I would look at speakers with powered low freq drivers. I would audition the Vandersteen Quatro CT and the Legacy Aeris.