Speaker suggestions - Pass XA30.5 $3500

Hi all, I've been with Thiel for about 10 years and think I'm ready to try something new. I've got a Pass INT-30A, listen only to digital sources (PS Audio PWDII), and want speakers that image well and can periodically support a loud dance session. Looking at speakers that go for around $3500 used.

I listen to a wide range of music (e.g., Electronic, Pop, Rock, Jazz, and female vocalists) and am open to a variety of speaker designs.

Also, the Pass is probably more powerful than you think. Stereophile measured it as clipping at 135W @ 8 ohms and 295W @ 4 ohms. I preferred it pretty soundly to the X-250.5 on my Thiel 2.4s.

I have a medium sized living room that takes up the entire width of the house when you come in the front door. It's 15' x 21' with 8' ceilings (on a slab) and the stereo (attached to a TV) is on one half of the long wall. The room's a bit unbalanced in that way, but unfortunately that's the only setup option.

Thanks for your suggestions.

- Chris

Showing 1 response by soix

There's a pair of Ref 3A Grand Veenas for sale near your price range, and also some Joseph Audio RM25XLs for sale a bit under your price target. Both are great imaging speakers and are both relatively easy to drive. Best of luck.