Greetings audiophile fans,
I am in a challenging dilemma with SPEAKER selection and need a advice.. Budget 4K and less!!
Currently my setup consists ps audio pair mono amps, Jew Rowland pre and Oracle Delphi turntable..
I am mostly listening records (Jazz, folk....) I honestly prefer not to use sub due to space but prefer ful size tower SPEAKERS with enough bass to satisfy my need.. “IT’S ALL ABOUT THAT BASS” 
Soooo what have you heard and recommend for me??
Thanks and happy listening....


Showing 1 response by soundermn

shinemaster OP5 posts09-24-2018 6:33pmSoix, fair enough :)  Currently I am using a pair of B&W 805 Monitors.. tried Vandersteen 3 series, Dali and Sonus Faber venere series..
At this moment my Dedicated audio room is 220 sf.

I don't know about the Vandys or the Dalis, but the 805s and SFs are not known for bass.  In my personal experience, the only way to get good bass with those 805s is to add a subwoofer.  You have a large-ish room, so it's going to take large speakers, as in full size tower, or a good sub like the SVS to fill that room with bass.  

I have owned 803s, and now have Revel F228.  The 803s have good bass, and the F228s a bit better.  But, even with these towers, I have a sub to fill in the bass.