Speakers to alleviate room anomolies

I have a suckout of 8db from 58 -70 hertz which is taking the life out of the music. I currently have Von Schweikert VR7SE an added a velodyne dd18 which took away the problem. It gave the bass energy in my room of 30 x20x10. It seems I do not need the big cabinet speakers[VR7SE] if the woofers aren't throughing enough. Speakers with active woofers like the evolution acoustics mm2 have been recommended. Any other ideas of speakers in conjunction with the velodyne dd18 to make my room sing again.

Showing 1 response by rhljazz

You want to make your room "sing again". So does that mean it sounded good at one time, or maybe that it sounded good until you measured the system? Now that you have measured a minor flaw it sounds bad to you. What did you change that made you unsatisfied? If the sub has corrected the problem, what is left to solve?

Speaker placement and room treatment are your best bet. Then when you're all done with that, the room will still not be perfect, only better than it was.

Vandersteen Quattro or 5's have built in bass adjustments which might be a better match. Audio Kinesis makes a system with multiple subs to even out bass response. These are just a couple of examples that come to mind if you are determined to change speakers.