Speakers to consider around 5k used?

I'm a newbie to the high quality world of audio. I'm interested in getting a decent system together. I'm looking for the highest quality speaker in the 4-6k range used. My listening habits are eclectic. Primarily Electronic, Rock/Pop, Classical/Soundtrack, and Traditional/Folk. My room size is an average sized USA house living room. I don't want a speaker that is overly detailed or bright that leads to harshness or fatigue, neither one that is too warm or veiled. I want a neutral speaker that is realistic and true to source without being difficult to listen to, especially in the highs. I am starting with the speakers, and have no other hi-fi equipment. However, I'm considering a network DAC player for my source.

What speakers should I be looking at and which are the best in this range available?


Showing 4 responses by tobb

You should be able to pickup a demo pair of the Legacy Signatures around five and they are awesome.
Check out the Signatures SEs from Legacy. Legacy pound for pound dollar for dollar is the best value on the planet.If you can get a demo pair from an authorized dealer you get the seven year warranty too!
If Legacy does not have coverage in your area they may tell tell you they will send them and if you're not happy with them return them you pay the freight.
Not many get returned from my understanding.
I don't get it ok so the guy designed speakers for Philharmonic. legacy designed the sound system for the new Riverfiont Theatre in Peoria http://www.peoriariverfrontmuseum.org
14 Kilowatts 42 chaneels and they also designed the speaker system for the largest recording company in the world, Universal Music Group. More importantly, it would be utilized by the legendary producer/CEO/Chairman, Antonio "L.A." Reid.
The playback system covers a 40 seat Manhattan conference room, providing uniquely good imaging for all listeners, yet serving up club-like SPLs. Its a system that can image like Whisper and Helix but provide unprecedented impact in a mastering quality monitor.
To that end I'm through go check them out ! lol