Stacking subs

Hi Guys :

I recently upgraded my home theater and am running out of space up front.  I have 2 JL Audio 10 subs and am wondering if I can stack them one on top of the other and how this would affect their operation.  Does anyone have experience in doing this. ?

Norm L

Hi Norm,

Having 2 subs, assymetrically placed in the room is the best solution since it allows one to fill in the holes left by the other.

Having them placed in almost the same location deprives you of this benefit. 

Having said that, having a single sub, properly callibrated and integrated with the room and speakers (that's 2 different operations) is probably going to be great.  Try it.


I personally I am an advocate of sometimes stacking subs, if need be.  I also would most always choose EQ'ing out two stubs in the same relative location, over trying to smooth out modes in the room, by placing in middle of walls on side and front walls!  Why?  Because, yes, you can help knock down an extra bass mode peak er so -by throwing,say, a side wall sub location B- but then you not only have an other sub strewn around the room (usually out in the open) , plus more wiring, but then you run into phase cancellation issues from seat to seat, as  you run into MUCH different relative seating distances from one sub to the other, relative to ea other and other speakers, varying from seat to seat! (no way to fix this, ideally! - as person #1 sits, say, 10 feet from sub A, and 3 feet from side sub B, but likely person #3 sits 10 feet from sub A, but then 8-9 feet from sub B!! = different phase requirements between them!)
.Anyway, typically, I'd probably opt for two small stacked subs (especially in smaller /medium spaces) just off the middle front of a room/setup, just behind or close to center speaker, and EQ both and balance for likely superb results and extra dynamic output capability! This gets integration and lack of localization right blending with mains, too!  Then again,in a small/medium space, I'd likely consider side-by-side straddling middle front walll distance first. Large room, probably end up spreading out along front wall more, or even right near main L/R for stereo subs, if I can get the integration right!  Things to consider. 
So I myself most always recommend NOT splitting two subs along different walls to smooth modes, yes, cause of what I mentioned. It's typically MUCH EASIER to simply EQ two subs together, adjust output, and then have NO ISSUES with differing phase and blending integration issues with mains, for a more seamless and trouble free setup, I find!  
Anyone else have other or differing experience, feel free... love to hear it
Hi Guys 

Thanks for input.  I may just do some eperimenting

Thans for all the input

Norm L