Starting a piCore Logitech Media Server Build!

Hi Everyone,

I've been using an Ubuntu server with Logitech Media Server, but even with a relatively small PC case, it was still too big and noisy. So I finally pulled the plug and ordered a Raspberry Pi 3 b+ kit from Amazon for about $80. 

I'll let you all know how it goes and how well it plays DSD via my Mytek Brooklyn. If that works, I'll order some USB storage plugs to move my relatively small (< 200 GB) music collection over and retire my Ubuntu box.  I'll be following this blog post:

You can also build a complete Squeezebox Touch clone, with a 7" touch screen but that doubles the price, and with an Android app, I don't really need it. 



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So the good news is that it all went pretty quickly once the case, microSD card and power supply arrived.

The Mytek DAC was recognized without rebooting. "squeezelite -l" gave me the right name. put that into the browser config screen and boom, I'm up. 

The bad news is I can’t quite tell if the piCore player supports direct DSD or not out of the box.

This was something I had to work on with my Ubuntu server and required Linux 4.18.