Starting out. - need your counsel

I need a preamp/processor to tie a family video system together.

At this point I have a TV, a DVD/SACD player, a VCR, several stereo and mono amps, plenty of interconnects, several small speakers, and a JANIS subwoofer/amp. I also have digital cable as a source. (I have no desire to play music on this system, only video stuff. I have an adequate audiophile system in my music room.) Our family room is rather small, 15x20' or so. No loud music. I don't know anything about Dolby or DTS or any of that stuff.

IS there an inexpensive option for me? I can buy new or used, but would rather buy used or deep discount here on A'gon. However, I would like as transparent a system as possible with a remote - the two channel has spoiled us vs. the junk that passes as theatre that screeches. I also will not tolerate ground loops and such. The power to the room is dedicated.

Showing 2 responses by mdomnick

DTS, DD are pretty much standard on anything you will buy (the two formats are not compatible, but as I said, anything your going to buy these days will decode the 2) and THX EX 2 is the new kid on the block. THX EX gives you a rear center channel, it is not recorded as a dedicated channel, more like a matrix surround from the days of Pro Logic's rear channel...I was excited to hear the new wonder format, but found it not as cool as it was made out to be (just not that noticable as I had hoped it to be, however I was spoiled by Logic 7 from Lexicon which does a great 7 channel surround). With that in mind, plus you say you have a SACD player (I assume its SACD Multi Channel) I would recommend Lexicon (only the MC12 does SACD Multi, and is expen$ive), Bryston, Anthem, or Proceed. There are many others I'm sure you'll hear about but the ones I mention will certainly get you started. They range from rounghly $10K-3K new. If you want cheaper, and don't care about the SACD Multi channel, or mind analoge signals being converted to digital for processing, then back to analoge, I'd say look at Lexicon MC1 or DC2. Lexicon make great HT stuff.

Have fun;)
I didn't design the Lexicon, just used it...then sold it when i decided HT was a silly market and has way too many things to work out before I spend $$$ on it's gear. I have since sold the Lexicon for SF Line 1, and am happy as a pig in sh*t.