Streaming Tidal through Bluesound Node 2 vs Oppo 105D

I've been streaming Tidal through my Oppo 105D (with some bugs), but with MQA I'm wondering if the Bluesound Node 2 would sound better.  Has anyone compared the two?
+1 tomcy6, the Bluesound DAC is okay, but you can output using an optical cable to your preferred DAC for better sound reproduction.
My Schiit Yggy is much better than the Bluesound-though I can't fault it at its' price. I don't own or know of the Oppo so I can't give any help there.
The best part of the Bluesound is being able to wirelessly connect my stereos around the house-Which it does flawlessly.
Since the Yggy is $2300 - it really should sound better.

Comparing it to something in a similar "snack bracket" - I found my Schiit Bifrost, with the 4490 upgrade, was not as good as the Node 2, which provided much better imaging and reproduction of delicate venue acoustics.

I stream music directly from my NAS drive, but I am still to try the various streaming services.

Can’t comment on the Oppo, never owned one - sorry

I just got a Schiit Gungnir and was impressed-It certainly beat out my Modi and Bifrost. Unfortunately, I heard an Ayre Codex, and had to have one. It should be here next week. I hope to compare the two.
Bob, that's awesome  on the Codex. I know that you loved it when you auditioned it at Johnny's.  Did he tell you when it will be in? I"m surprised as i know he has one in stock.  I'm sure that if you want it today, he'd let you have that one as he can easily sell the one you ordered.