Suggested PC laptop models for computer audio

I am looking for advice directing me towards an inexpensive, simple Windows based laptop - used or new - to which I will add an external solid state hard drive to use as a server for a computer audio front end at home.

I currently use a one year old Dell Latitude at work with a WD external hard drive running iTunes and JRiver Media Center 21, and it sounds remarkably good (although music software programs not ideal companions within enterprise networked office environment:\). Given my current budget and space constraints, the advantage of having the screen, keyboard processor and I/Os all in one chassis, combined with my familiarity with PC systems and software, I would probably not consider a Mac Mini at this time.

Music file procurement, storage, handling and reproduction would be the sole purpose of the laptop. Currently running FLAC, AIFF and mp4 files at resolutions up to 24/96, with capacity to handle higher res files in future. Lots of ripped redbook files. DAC will be Arcam irdac for the time being. No DSD files for now.

Your PC laptop suggestions very much appreciated.

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Showing 9 responses by knownothing

Buconero117. Tell me more. I am the boss, so I guess I should fire myself.
My IT people are aware of what I am running. Do you have links to some
citations we can see that document the threat of iTunes, JRiver and an
external drive to PC based network? The applications live on my laptop,
and only JRiver accesses files on the WD external drive.
Thanks Michael, I need a separate home computer that will be dedicated for music. My office computer is described simply as example to show I have already had some success with laptop driven audio, admittedly by luck, but it has multiple tasks and demands on it. Will set up a much simpler single purpose laptop system at home.

Ok, so if using an external drive for file storage with a PC laptop, and I should avoid using USB for both file delivery to DAC and from drive to laptop/server, what other option do I have, Ethernet?
Thanks Zd542. Is USB 3.0 input for data from drive also problematic if digital signal out to DAC is via USB 2.0?
Thanks Kijanski, so you are saying that asynchronous USB defeats problems with data input and output using the same serial bus? This makes some sense because in my office system that uses an AQ Dragonfly, the external USB drive sounds at least as good as the internal laptop drive that I assume is SATA.