Suggestions for an amp

It has been suggested that I should look at a different amp to get the best sound out of my speakers. 
I have a Yamaha Aventage RX-A830. Front speakers are Monitor Audio Silver 8. 
I am mostly interested in something to provide the best sound while listening to music but also be decent for HT. I have an Orbit with a Grado Black 1 cartridge for vinyl. 
I am not looking at spending a ton of money and will definitely consider used (I am looking at several on this site). 
Many thanks!

Showing 15 responses by granburyspring

Thanks...would a Marantz PM8005 or 8006 do the trick. I've seen several reasonably priced
I am probably leaning towards a receiver in my case.

What do you think about these:
Denon AVR 4100W
Pioneer Elite SC-07
Pioneer Elite SC-27

Thanks again
LOL...I'm definitely going to see if I can swing it...

Don't think I mentioned in the beginning...I actually picked these up at a consignment shop beyond reasonably priced. I think people thought the speakers did not work because the links were missing.

They were going to replace my B&W DM640i's that I have had for 25 years. I am guessing if I hooked these up to the Hegel they would take on a new life as well.
How about the Parasound a23 Halo? 
I see several listed here as well. Seems to have the power needed. 
Thanks everyone for the help. As caphill said, some of these may be a bit higher than I was thinking about. Since I am new to this level of equipment, I'd like to summarize what I think you are all educating me on:

One advantage of an integrated amp over an AVR is the absence of all the processing. With the integrated amp I will get a cleaner more accurate rendering of the recording. I would be able to connect it with my existing AVR when I want to use the Monitor Audio's in my surround system. Is this pretty accurate?

I am assuming the "pure direct" option on the AVR doesn't bring it anywhere near the level of the integrated amp option though Yamaha claims it bypasses all the various other sound options available on the AVR and the associated noises.

Here is where I still have some confusion. The manufacturer specs say the speakers are rated for 40 - 175 watts RMS @ 6 ohms.

Why wouldn't some of the lesser cost amps drive them well.
The Musical Fidelity M3si is rated at 85 wrms.
The Cambridge Audio Azur 840a V2 is at 120 wrms. I also looked at the Outlaw suggested earlier and a Cambridge Audio CXA60. These are all priced more comfortably for me and fit well within the range suggested by Monitor Audio.
I don't listen to my music terribly loud...what is the advantage of going to the much more powerful amps suggested?
Again, thanks for helping out a novice.
My plan was to use the integrated to bypass the HT. 
I would be listening to vinyl and probably CD’s through the integrated and movies/cable with the HT. 
Even though the Hegel seems to be a very good deal at $ is simply more than I planned on spending at this time. 
LOL...I will...I just happen to have too many expensive hobbies and just added this one.
To one of the previous responses...I do have an Orbit Turntable that will be attached to whichever integrated amp that I chose.

I’ve found a Peachtree nova 150 that seems to have the power needed and some nice features. Any of you have experience with them? Cost $1000
D2. I read up on the anthem and it looks great as well. I did not see an ht bypass or unity gain feature listed. Is it capable of that function easily?
I did end up getting the Peachtree Nova 150 and set everything up last night. It all sounds phenomenal. I appreciate everyone's help in this!