Suggestions from all you wise ones

This may be long but I will try to be brief. 63 years old, spent $1200.00 back in 1974 for my system. I'm known around my circle as a music nut. I only have a couple of friends that are into music as I. But, they have no systems, they would be happy listening to some old Zeppelin through a sea shell. I've been following this site for months and feel really upset that I'm missing out on my number one passion, music. I'm running a new NAD C165BEE That replaced my old Adcom GTP-500 II that started having balance problems, a Adcom GFA-555 II amp which I need to feed my Infinity Kappa 8's that are in great shape. Just got back into vinyl so I had my 1974 Thorens TD 160 tuned up. I think it sounds great. Is there any of you that live in the Milwaukee area and be willing to give me a listen to your system? Or any comments from you all.
Thanks Very Much !!!
Some more info, I have a new Grado Red cartridge and had to get a phono amp to run through a different input on the new NAD due to the lack of volume.

Showing 2 responses by freediver

When is the last time you heard live music?Go see a few concerts of differing types of music.Since our ultimate goal is to reproduce recordings as closely to the original event as possible the only baseline you should use to gauge your system is a concert or 3...
 +1 to above reply regarding Streaming music...Even a free service like basic Pandora will expose you to a ton of music & artists in your favorite genre 's you didn't know existed...
^^^ Go hear as many systems as you want BUT without Live Music reference as to what  instruments actually sound like how the hell do you know what your chasing?