Syncro-Mesh, Dynaco power supply combo+ digital cable

Hi has anyone here had experience with these Empirical Audio products listed in title? I am entertainment the thought of purchasing them to try out. The individual that I spoke with on the phone was adamant that I must use his digital cable for best results. Just looking for some real world experience from others on this site.
Thanks Mark

Showing 1 response by markum01

Thanks for your input lowrider 57,and sorry I should have included my digital equipment. CEC TL2 with Nordost silver shadow going into Hegel HD12  DAC. I am thinking on replacing my transport that is what actually sparked this thread.
I originally started a thread regarding replacing my TL2. One of the replies was from Steve from Empirical Audio regarding his Syncro-Mesh. I have had a couple of phone discussions with him so far. When I asked him about what would give me the best results of getting the Syncro Mesh and power supply or the Syncro Mesh and digital cable.He was insistent that I must get "his " digital cable for best results.
At that point I heard the song and dance "I don't make any money on my digital cables I'm making minimum wage making it" bla bla bla. At that point I was cautious so that is why I started this thread. By the way you mentioned other linear power supplies that can be less costly. Any suggestions?