Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.

Showing 25 responses by fplanner2000

Tboooe and Joeyboynj-

Sorry I haven't responded sooner, but I've been "Listening to The Music". VD cords replaced were Genesis IC from CD to preamp(Apex Tesla), Genesis PC from conditioner to CD(Hologam-D), Revelation PC from conditioner to Preamp(T-2), Revelation PC from wall to conditioner (T-3 UHC), Revelation IC from tuner to preamp(Apex Tesla), Revelation PC/Elrod Statement(used Stmt, then Rev) from conditioner to amp(Hologram-A). Also replaced Nirvana SX Ltd ICs betw amp and pre with Precision Reference.

Note- I still have bi-wire Revelations on my speakers, with new Apex Tesla speaker cables due at the end of the week. I will see which I like better. Also, Rick S. and I have had several discussions about this and are still friends - he understands why I changed cables and was a real gentleman about the whole situation.

FWIW - Its as though the proverbial "veil" has been lifted, altho 2-3 veils is probably more accurate at this point. The Vr7s are now pretty broken in and so the total combination with my VAC 300.1 is pretty special(at least according to my neighbor).

If the soundstage is wider than my speakers, that is the way I hear it and I can make out all the instruments on stage. I also have more depth to the music. Although I have lost some of the VD energy and sizzle, at this point in my system's evolution, its a price I'm willing to pay for the heightened realism, and palpability as well as the veilage elimination. I mostly listen to acoustic studio recordings, jazz, blues, progressive and alt. rock, new age, big band and some country. No rap, opera nor classical at this point, (although I might try some classical now that my system is finally so much more resolving).

These are just my opinions based on my ears and my system - there definitely appears to be a synergy between VAC/VS/SR. Curious if other VAC/Von Schweickert owners have heard the same w/SR cabling?
I have 2 VAC 300.1 tube amps plugged into a Powercell 10SE via Hologram A's with no problems whatsoever.
As I said earlier in this thread, I have a T-3 UH going to my conditioner with excellent results. I'd ask Ted or Elliot or your dealer about the Transport.
Ozzy - I am going through a similar dilemna with SR cords. FWIW, I put an Apex Tesla on my TUNER (CD player should be back from Alex today or tomorrow), a Hologram A on my amp (replacing Elrod Statement) and the Precision Reference between amp(VAC 300.1 phi) and Pre (replacing Nirvana SX Ltd) and I now have CD-quality sound coming out of my system, from the TUNER. I am impressed. The Nirvana cord images very well, but the Reference beats it in combination with the Apex - I now have spatial cues and a soundstage that regularly extends outside of my speakers, which I've never had before.

Experimentation will continue upon the return of my 3910. Will be trying Hologram D and Tesla Apex, replacing VD Genesis. While I'm expecting to lose some "sizzle" with these changes, I'm hoping to gain much better transparency, musicality, resolve and imaging. We'll see - none of these changes are permanent at this point(with the exception of the Apex Tesla on the tuner) - I am just doing some experimentation in preparation for receipt of an APL NWO 3.0 later this summer.

Hopefully this helps. Good luck.
Pulled the trigger last week on SR Tesla cables to replace my VD cables. Installed into system (except speaker cables) this afternoon and by this evening my system is sounding better, by a large margin, than it ever has. A neighbor who knows my system well came over to hear this change and was speechless at the new level of musicality. After only a few hours, I am getting much better imaging, transparency, layering and musicality than before and these cables are nowhere near broken in. I continue to be impressed and I'm sure when the speaker cables arrive, hopefully next week, my system will continue to improve. Its really neat to finally be able to hear the music the way it was intended to be heard.
T-3 UHC is a higher current version of the T-3 used on SR's new Powercells. Very nice fit from wall to power conditioner in my system - no loss of clarity, air or high frequency extension. Also, not fatiguing. Excellent suggestion by my dealer.
My dealer suggested a T-3 on the Quattro - just got it - will be putting it into my system this weekend if I get a chance. The more power is better theory seems to be further refined by the Enigma, I'm guessing.
I also found that the T-2 works well on my preamp.(I listed my other cord choices 11 days ago on this thread). So far, everything sounds great. Will be replacing VD speaker wires with SR Apex this weekend. Hoping for yet another change for the better....
I've pretty much run out of patience with the Cable Company, after buying cables from them for years. I would rather do business with a dealer that has the time to answer my questions the first time I call, instead of having to call back repeatedly and then feel rushed when I finally get through. I have a good guy at Cable Company who has been helpful, however not so much over the past several months. I guess their business model has changed. I have recently discovered I can get considerably better pricing, demo ability, no brain damage and much better service with a good dealer. That is the route I have chosen for the foreseeable future.
I have also heard that Ted made the T-2 SPECIFICALLY for pre-amps with the Hologram A SPECIFICALLY for amps, even in SOTA systems - you can read about the T-2 on the SR site. I decided to listen to the guy who built the cords and am happy I did - its not about the money, its about the "system match", a refreshing concept in this big-bucks hobby....
Thanks guys for the break-in info re: bass response. 2-300 hours is relatively easy compared to the 800+ hours my VD speaker cables took....

I think part of my problem may also be that my VR-7s bass drivers are probably not as broken in yet as they need to be. The speakers are only a few months old. Does anyone have a CD recommendation that will emphasize the bass drivers for break-in? (I'll probably also ask Albert VS)

Thanks again.
Tvad- I'm actually running the APL through my preamp and raising the volume on the DAC board has cleared up the bass problem. It is obviously increasing the output to the preamp, with excellent results. I am presuming the volume control on the Sony remote is communicating with the DAC board inside the 3910 as per Alex's instructions.
OK, enough about The Cable Company - everyone has an opinion. As far as SR is concerned, I put the Apex Tesla bi-wire speaker cables into my system yesterday afternoon, replacing VD Revelation that was shotgun bi-wired. There are various threads about what is the best way to bi-wire and since I was changing both cables and methods, I held my breath. Turned out to be totally unnecessary - the new cables are working synergistically (couldn't resist) with the other Tesla cables in my system and the sound is more detailed, more organic, more transparent and the layering front to back is better - it is much easier to pick out exactly where the instruments and singers are in relation to each other. One of my concerns was that I would lose some of the great bass and speed I had - so far, that has not been the case and the cables barely have 10 hours on them. The sound seems to be a bit more real and details are not lost when the volume is turned down, a problem I was having before. Another concern I have is that the presentation will become fatiguing, but so far that has not been the case at all. Bottom line - I'm happy and have no present desire to do anything more other than to ENJOY THE MUSIC!!
I could swear Elliott told me they are designed to attach first to the HF, but I forgot the explanation, if he gave one. Of course you can obviously do a test and see what you like better, but before I did anything I'd probably talk to Ted.
Please post your findings, since I was thinking the same thing as I'm not quite getting as much bass at louder levels as I was with my previous cables,
Ozzy -

I've also found that the longer you let these cords settle in with each other, the better they sound. I listened to the recommendations of SR and my dealer and then just let the cords settle in. I have been rewarded with the best sound, by far, that I have ever heard out of my system. I guess my point is to not make decisions with these cables too quickly.
RE: my posts 4/14 and 3/17 regarding bass response - decided to do a little investigation of my source - APL 3910 that had just come back from a laser repair. Turns out the volume on the DAC board had somehow been set very low - increasing it brought back the dynamics and bass that I had been lacking and missing(I had to first find, then READ the directions to change these settings using a separate remote) - it was a hunch that definitely paid off - I got tired of moving the 400# speakers in search of more bass, etc.

What I am hearing now is really nice - full, tight, and deep bass integration with great mids and highs, excellent depth, imaging and a "rightness" to what I am now hearing that I got a slight taste of before, but now have the "whole enchilada" so to speak. I have just been grinning for the past 2 hours. For some reason, I'm now getting hungry.....

Thank you Ted and others for all your help - I was a little hesitant to report my findings, but figure that if this helps one other person having a "system problem", its probably a pretty good thing...
I would try the adapter anyhow. You should still notice quite a difference over the Audience cord. If you don't or its not as great a difference as you had expected, then I would call upon Cable Company to make it right, if possible. I used an adapter on my DNA-500 with an Elrod Statement PC for about a year with good results - I may have missed the final 5% of performance, but I was OK with 95% and a well-broken-in cord.
I agree with Jmo above. It sounds like you got caught in the middle of a dispute between a supposed "dealer" and SR. I would contact Ted or Eliot and explain your feelings. I will be surprised if they don't try to make things right.

It could also be that your "dealer" may have represented himself as such, but may not have actually been authorized by SR to act as same. That might explain their non-delivery.

I certainly wouldn't allow the problems of this "dealer" to influence your opinion of SR or its cables until you at have had a talk with Ted and/or Eliot. I would take their word over that of a dismissed "dealer" who pretty obviously would have nothing positive to say about SR at this point, IMHO
I'm running biwire Apex between VAC 300.1 and VSA VR-7SE with great success. As mentioned above, this cable just does everything very well.

Also recently discovered the D-3 digital cable that Ted told me should sell for a lot more than they sell it for. He is correct - in my system it easily bested an Acrolink digital cable costing twice as much. I have an all SR system, with Hologram D pcs on the digital components, so to be fair, I would be pretty surprised if ANY cable could out-perform the D-3 in my application. The synergism is very real and I'm very happy.
I am using Tesla Reference Active subwoofer ICs with a Tesla T-3 powercord in my system on my Velodyne sub. Big improvement over any other PC or ICs I've used previously. This would probably be a pretty big upgrade over what you are using now. Good luck.
Bacardi- I don't know the answer to your question, since I have never used XLR connections with my sub/preamp. Single-ended for a 12' run has never been a problem for me. That might be a Synergistic question, since its their cables.
You may have a bad cord or something wrong with the active conditioning. Absent that, I have a pretty tough time believing the cord is "limiting" - there's apparently something wrong somewhere.
fwiw - Once you get the 10SE, I predict you will kick yourself for not getting it sooner.