Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.

Showing 5 responses by karelfd

Hi Joeyboynj,
Funny coincidence, only a few days ago I have added to my system comments that I have "fallen" for the Tricon Analog phono cable from the Tesla series, allow me to just copy that here (by the way, the audition was done with a dealer's demo cable, so I guess it had been well broken-in)

Another quest finished. I have been auditioning a Synergistic Research Tricon Analog phono cable for two days now and without doubt it will stay in the system. A leap forward in respect of micro-dynamics to the point of enhancing understanding of artistic expressiveness. Now, don't roll your eyes yet, I know that's a mighty mouthful of a statement. One point in case, then: Stan Getz's finely layered vibrato on "O Grande Amor" (Getz/Gilberto) shone with full genius where it had been "only" superb before. Also, the proverbial re-discovery of a number of records that appeared not so bland as I thought they were (e.g. Subharmonic "In Dub"). Finally, another fetish of mine: impeccable soundscape with anything from one-man-with-a-guitar (e.g. Michael Chapman "Window") to not-so-easy orchestral works (e.g. CSO/Georg Solti "Stravinsky - Le Sacre du Printemps"). Cable that I had used in the analog rig before and had available to compare with: Audioplan Super X-wire, Kimber KS 1010, Cicable AC5SR and AMR IC-77, admittedly all less expensive than the Tricon. However, the Tricon is without the slightest doubt also better than the imho overly hyped and rather more expensive Silent Wire NF-32 I had on trial once. All of the above applicable to and witnessed in my own system, of course.

Hats off to Ted Denney

I have schuko plugs, so I had the possibility to experiment with polarity of both the cable itself as well as the MPC. Unfortunately, that was not conclusive. Presently, I lean towards Tbg's idea concerning DC. I'll try one more thing: unplug every other electric appliance in the apartment. Meanwhile, I'll also contact SR directly.
Thanks for your input, guys.
Hi all, this question may have been asked before, but since this is actually the 750th entry it's not easy to trace that back. I have been noticing a constant buzz coming prom the MPC of my T2 power cord. It may have been there for some time but now I'm aware of it it becomes increasingly disturbing (in other words, I have to unplug the MPC when playing music). The MPC is plugged in the same power bar (featuring star-like wire geometry) as the cord itself. Am I creating some sort of loop by that? Any other thoughts? Btw, I use the cord with the Lektor V cd-player/pre-amp.

Thanks for any ideas.
Thanks for the advice. The buzz definitely comes from the MPC itself, I'll experiment a bit during the weekend (other receptacle, other source etc.) and report back.
Promised to give feedback on my loud MPC: Turning plug and MPC in all possible constellations did not help, nor did plugging the MPC into a wall receptacle. Only when I moved it to the Tidal system that is fed through the PS Premier did it almost (but not entirely) go away. "Almost" means I have to move my ear next to the MPC. In the Zu system where I have no power conditioner, I managed to suppress the noise to a fainter level (meaning I can hear it when I kneel next to the power bar) by means of a Kemp SNS plug. It is certainly not noticeable when playing music, but I still wonder if I could do something more. A Tesla Power Cell would help, I'm sure, but that looks like (financial) overkill for this second system.