Synergistic vs. Acoustic Zen

I'm looking to audition some under $1K speaker cables. Copper probably but open to silver. Looking to tighten up the bass some, add warmth, keep highs very open. Preference for intimate closer-mic'd forward sound vs. 20th row.

From my tooling around, I'm mulling over Acoustic Zen Satori or Holograms, and Synergistic active cables. I'm confused at the number of Synergistic cable variations and obviously can't afford their best models, are the older Signature X2 cables any good?

I won't buy new, I know I'll be swapping these out eventually and don't want to take a bath on resale.

Showing 1 response by bander

I haven't tried Synergistic but I used to use AZ Satoris. They're an excellent cable and they do keep their value.