System for a teenager

I need advice to build a system for one of my sons school mates and his father. I have been advised to keep budget as low as possible but strive for quality sound.

My idea is buy used gear here at Audiogon starting with 2 series Vandersteen's, DVD-CD player with volume control and moderate power tube amps.

Would especially appreciate ideas for the DVD-CD with volume control and ideas for moderate power tube amps.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
Albert: If you're not wed to tubes, here's an idea. Get a used Classe CRCD, which is an integrated preamp/amp, plus a tuner, plus a CD player - all with a single remote control - packed into a single high-quality unit. The amp puts out a solid 40 watts/channel. I believe Classe stopped producing this model since it became too way too expensive relative to their price target.
Good suggestions, I am looking at Audiogon and other places on the internet for pricing. As to the question of budget. I am restricted to $1500.00 max. I assumed Vandys at about $400.00 (+) and $200.00 or $300.00 for DVD-CD. That only leaves $800.00 for the tube amp, cabling and shipping and insurance.

The reason I choose Vandersteen 2 series is that I know what they sound like. Buying used does not allow for comparison listening and they are a good value and solid performer. I am open to ideas, but there are not a lot of choices with the budget I've been given.

Anyone heard the Consonance "Ella"? An attractive integrated with about 40 watts per channel.

I like Tom's idea of using the AR Complete with the Vandys, and perhaps adding a tubed CD player? One of the more inexpensive tubed CDP's I used for a while is the Dynaco CDV-2. Not a bad unit and you can roll tubes to dial in the sound (uses 6922's). This would bring the system to:

Vandy's $400
AR Complete $600
Dynaco CDP $300

Leaves a few bucks for interconnect and wires
Albert, you might take a look at the Jolida JD302B tube integrated amp. It has 50 wpc, and uses EL34 tubes which I know you like. It has a retail price of only $950, and also has a very attractive appearance. I also read an interview somewhere online, with Chesky, and he said that he felt the Jolida amps were the best sounding budget amps around. They also have a 100 wpc model using EL34 tubes for about $1600 retail. Sometimes the 302B comes up on Audiogon in the used classifieds.
Hi Albert,

I like Jeff's idea about the AR with the Dynaco tubed CD player - though I've never heard the Dynaco. I wonder if a teenager is going to be more attracted towards tubes or SS, given the bass characteristics. For SS, I've been hearing good things about the Oddysey Stratos, and am going to be trying one of their dual mono's on 30-day trial soon. But I think the stereo version of the amp costs $800 used (low), and that could blow the budget. I like the idea of a volume controlled CDP into the amp, as it leaves room for later expansion (e.g. buy a preamp later). Are there any low cost CD/DVD's with a volume control? I don't know.

I had a Jolida 302b for a while - I felt it didn't approach the liquidity of midrange that it should have, and wasn't too impressed. It certainly wasn't "detail" oriented. I think you can get more bang for your $$ in SS.