Taking the analog plunge...

OK guys, I could use your suggestions here.

I have several upgrades in mind and/or in progress for my 2 channel system. While I was considering these changes, I decided to look into adding a turntable as well. It's been a number of years since I've had a decent TT (decades, really) and the sheer number of choices can be pretty daunting.

What would help is a short list of gear that you think I should investigate that is A) a relatively good match for current gear and B) is priced somewhere below 4k. There are plenty of reviews at my disposal, but I'd much rather hear from people who are actually living with this stuff for extended periods and are more likely to have used it with gear similar to mine

My current system consists of all BAT components (D5, 5i and VK 200) and Triangle Celius speakers. The upgrades are/will be a BAT VK 60 and either Hyperion HPS 938s or GMA Continuum 3s.

Your suggestions?

I did worse than you. I started back into analog just like you 3 years ago. I had zero, zip, nada lp's. I have close to 800 now. There are plenty out there but you will probably pay more to get the stuff in good condition.

If you like to tinker, the 834 responds very well to cap upgrades. You might check around with some dealers to see if anyone has a demo they might want to part with.

I could see a Gyro SE with a rega arm board, lots of options there for arms.
Just because your existing system is all-tube shouldn't limit you to tubed phono stages - particularly since that may limit you to MM cartridges.
Good call Joman. I completely forgot about the P5.

Inscrutable, how does a tube phono stage limit one to MM cartridges? Even if a particular unit doesn't have built-in step ups one could always add a decent external step-up.
I've considered the P5 as well. I'm not sure I want to dedicate that much space to a phono stage. Dang, that thing is huge!

Imagine running all four of these babies full out in a closed space; I'd have to rebuild my listening room inside a meat locker.

Inscrutable, I'm not necessarily locked in to any one thing other than the best sound I can achieve under my budgetary constraints. I have no objection to solid state devices. In fact, I still have the VK200, several Bryston pieces and even an old Adcom GFA 585 laying around here somewhere.

Thanks again to all for the sage advice. It is helping to narrow down my choices a bit.

On another note, I think I've found the perfect tonearm for my new analog setup.
That Altmann arm actually does have all of the requirements for a basic unipivot tonearm, as crude as it looks.

From there on up, it is just refinement.

It will play the record.

Of course, there is a world of difference between that Altmann, and a Graham 2.2, but the Altmann works and is cheap. If you are interested in tonearm design, it could be a fun project to make.

Another fun project, with an air-bearing design, is the Paul Loudegaard linear tracking air bearing tonearm design, that many tonearm "fiddlers" have tried. It also works and has some excellent design attributes. You can search it out on the web very easily with Google.