
Discussions inscrutable has started

Thorens TD-126 Mk II vs Sansui SR-71727723
At what point do you set up for mono?11553
Opinions - TD-125 vs MMF-722626
Sunfire CRM ?24553
Blu-Ray with very good DAC and DigIn for streamer?8920
TJ mesh plate 2A3 ?22071
Center channel question ?22762
Clamp for Rega Planar 2?24384
Darryl and Darryl ask ... where would you start?26946
Opinion of budget phono preamps?469113
Are you an Audiophile or a Music Lover: Take 318807
Pre with phono and headphone 1000 used?22874
What is your upgrade philosophy?279214
Help needed re:cartridge/preamp/setup?18766
How much do you listen?223512