Tannoy gold 12" cabinets

Hello. I am looking for a recomendation on cabinet size for my newly aquired 12" gold monitors. I have done the usual searches but have not found exactly what I am looking for yet.

Thanks for any help you can provide

Showing 1 response by tomic601

i think Nelson is hooked on the JBL Jubal, but who knows..
stick w the Tannoy and your cabinet project..

Islandman, Whidbey is lovely..stop by for a listen IF ya get down my way to Seattle sometime.....I have room for just about every loudspeaker faith..

and Van Isle is magical....spend my summers chasing fish around at rock....hence my moniker..

have fun

and dont forget really do try to get tweeter at ear height, no matter what the KEF dealer says...ha