I would like to know if any current owner of the Teac out there compared the esoteric between the emc, audiomeca mephisto and any other high end cd player in redbook cd. Any info will be greatly appreicated.
I have both. The 'Meca is better for redbook, hands down. Much better transport as well.
Which audiomeca do you have? How does the sound compared the audiomeca is very laid back and seductive compared to the more dynamic and fuller sound of the teach that what I heard any info will be greatly appreciated.
I can't comment on the Esoteric, but I'd offer that I've never heard redbook as "listenable" as through the Audiomeca. I have the Mephisto II and Enkianthus combination and have been totally satisfied with both units. I would stop short of saying they're "laid back" but certainly would agree that they're smooth. There may be some folks who want an aggressive sound (if that's what you mean by "dynamic") but I'd rather be seduced by the music rather than beat up by it. Yes it's smooth, but there's no loss of detail or air. To each his own!