
Responses from musiclover58

The best DAC for the money
Check it out the Silver Eagle Audio Signature I (single-ended tube DAC- using 6X5 tube rectifiers and 6J5 in-and output tubes). I have never listened to this tube DAC since the day I started getting into this hobby and just went to CES 2005 no DAC... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
In my opinion, deHavilland Ultraverve preamp is also considered a killer at the retail price of USD$2500.00 with lush sound and dynamic. I will also definitely suggest any custom made preamp with "true zero-feedback" (I mean real true zero feedbac... 
Best Inexpensive DAC
I got the Electro Visionary Systems Millennium DAC by Ric Schultz ($300.00). It is an excellent DAC for the price but it does not have the upsampler. Check it out there is one available in Audiogon. 
Which audiomeca do you have? How does the sound compared the audiomeca is very laid back and seductive compared to the more dynamic and fuller sound of the teach that what I heard any info will be greatly appreciated. 
New Nordost Cable Valkyrja
Tom, you should consider to save your money to get the Reference system rather than always chasing cables after cables...!!! Am I right? Good luck my friend.